How CoolSculpting Elite Can Help You Have A Hot Summer

How CoolSculpting Elite Can Help You Have A Hot Summer
Even though the weather is chilly now, it won’t be long before you have to swap your sweaters for tank tops. Don’t let the summer sneak up on you. Now is the perfect time to start working toward accomplishing your body goals before swimsuit season.

If you want to feel more comfortable in your own skin this summer, consider booking a CoolSculpting Elite session. It’s a noninvasive procedure that’s been cleared by the FDA. It safely gets rid of fat through the targeted use of cool temperatures. If liposuction or a tummy tuck isn’t for you, CoolSculpting Elite is a great non-surgical alternative.

The sooner you get started, the sooner you can enjoy the results of CoolSculpting Elite. Here’s how it works and how it can help you look and feel your best this summer.

CoolSculpting Elite treats subcutaneous fat, which is the fat that’s right below the skin. That’s the fat that you can see and pinch. Fat cells are particularly susceptible to the cold, so during a CoolSculpting Elite treatment, your fat cells are targeted with cold temperatures. This causes your fat cells to freeze and die but doesn’t harm your skin and surrounding tissue.

In the first few minutes of the treatment, you’ll feel intense cold, but that feeling will fade as the area numbs. You can even read, take a nap, or watch a show during the treatment.

Over several weeks, your body processes the dead fat cells and gets rid of them. Fat cells don’t regenerate, so these cells are gone for good!

To feel like the best version of yourself, you want to be able to target the areas of your body that cause you to feel uncomfortable or lack confidence. CoolSculpting Elite can do just that.

CoolSculpting Elite can treat areas like the abdomen, thighs, chin, bra bulge, back fat, love handles, and upper arms so you can reach your body contouring goals.

Ahead of your appointment, we work with you to create a plan specific to your goals. The length of your CoolSculpting Elite session will depend on how many areas you’re being treated for. We’ll also work with you to determine if you need multiple sessions to accomplish your goals.

CoolSculpting Elite and liposuction can both get you permanent results, but CoolSculpting Elite does this without causing scarring. CoolSculpting Elite is also noninvasive, is done without the need for anesthesia, and has no downtime, which differs from liposuction.

CoolSculpting Elite is also more budget-friendly than a surgical procedure. The cost depends on which area you have treated and the number of sessions you need to accomplish your body contouring goals.

Results begin around as little as three weeks after your treatment, but your final results will be most noticeable 12 weeks after your last treatment. To maintain the best results, keep following a healthy lifestyle and consuming a healthy diet.

CoolSculpting Elite reduces fat with zero downtime. You don’t have to worry about a recovery period and can return to work and your normal activities immediately after your treatment!

Being happy with what you see when you look in the mirror is one of the best feelings. Your new, toned look from CoolSculpting Elite will help you gain confidence as summer approaches.

Get the body you’ve always wanted so you can spend less time worrying about how you look and more time relaxing and having fun.

CoolSculpting Elite could be right for you if you’ve made strides toward a healthier lifestyle, yet have fat that just won’t go away. It’s not a treatment for weight loss, so it works best when you’re not too far from your target weight. You may also be an ideal candidate if you don’t have cold-related medical conditions like cryoglobulinemia, aren’t pregnant, and have enough fat to treat.

To truly know if CoolSculpting Elite is right for you, schedule an appointment to get a consultation with us at Fort Wayne Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics. We can talk about your goals and answer any questions you may have!

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